How do the S4F-Twente ‘focus groups’ work ?
We are organized in focus groups (workgroups), each consisting of several members/supporters of S4F-Twente. Each focus group works largely independently, but with support of and under the flag of S4F-Twente and S4F-NL, and thereby adheres to the Community Principles.
Each group focuses on a specific topic and formulates its own goals, forms its own organization, and organizes its own activities to achieve these goals. It is up to all members of the focus group to choose and define their own role(s), activities and tasks.
To create more effectiveness of S4F-Twente each focus group appoints a contact person to the core team, who may be asked to participate every now and then in (on-line) meetings for coordination purposes.
Each focus group is asked to provide information for a webpage on the S4F-Twente website to inform all S4F-Twente members. The focus group can maintain their own webpage, alternatively we hope that in the near future we will be able to provide IT-support to maintain the group-webpage.
Each focus group supplies the core group with a notification and, when available, a copy of their ‘output’, for sharing within S4F-Twente. This serves (a) transparency about the S4F-Twente activities, (b) the potential wider use by other S4F-Twente focus groups/members, and (c) as a source of inspiration.
S4F wants every member to feel comfortable with the public activities of S4F. Therefore it is considered essential that for any public activity under the flag of S4F-NL and S4F-Twente each focus group/S4F-member organizes their own peer review/feedback about the planned public activity or publication. This can be done by seeking advice from others inside or outside the focus group, and possibly from experts. The core group may be able to help finding experts in specific fields.
The core group of S4F-Twente organizes and maintains a website as information, communication, and contact platform. It brings members with common interests together to form or join a focus group.
Example of possible focus groups are:
- education
- media
- politics
- companies
- societal organizations
- S4F-Twente organization (core group)
- or your own initiative
How we present ourselves
We present ourselves as scientists and we can take advantage of our academic status. Therefore, do use your scientific function, titles and affiliation where useful.